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 Tricholome tâcheté de roux ? 
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Inscription: 29 Novembre 2022, 13:27
Messages: 36
Message Tricholome tâcheté de roux ?
Bonjour, ce champignon photographié dans une petite colonie en octobre 2020 résiste à mon identification. Il me fait penser à un Tricholome brûlé, Tricholoma ustale, mais les tâches rousses ne correspondent pas à ce que j'ai consulté sur internet, ni la configuration particulière des lames qui est peut-être liée à une anomalie de ce spécimen.
Le site est dans le Haut-Diois (Drôme), à 900m d'altitude, en terrain calcaire sous pinède.
Merci pour votre réponse, cordialement, Philippe B.
Fichier(s) joint(s):
Commentaire: Le jeune spécimen n'a pas de tâche et les lamelles du mature sont curieusement constituées en deux vagues concentriques.
IMG_5818.jpg [ 2.26 Mio | Vu 11370 fois ]

Fichiers joints:
Commentaire: Des tâches rousses comme sur des crèpes forment curieusement une paréidolie de tête de mort !
IMG_5812.jpg [ 2 Mio | Vu 11370 fois ]
Commentaire: Le stipe est très court en regard de la taille du sporophore.
IMG_5809.jpg [ 1.85 Mio | Vu 11370 fois ]
29 Novembre 2022, 14:25

Inscription: 30 Août 2017, 07:43
Messages: 749
Message Re: Tricholome tâcheté de roux ?

Une couleur de lames d’Hebeloma ?

29 Novembre 2022, 15:46

Inscription: 29 Novembre 2022, 13:27
Messages: 36
Message Re: Tricholome tâcheté de roux ?
Oui, effectivement, mais pas en vagues concentriques. Serai-ce une anomalie d'un spécimen ?
Sur les publications sur internet, le sporophore d'Heleboma est aussi parfois roussi, mais de façon plus régulière et diffuse et généralement au centre. Alors…

29 Novembre 2022, 15:57
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Inscription: 09 Novembre 2010, 14:22
Messages: 291
Message Re: Tricholome tâcheté de roux ?

d'accord avec Nommo, Hebeloma probablement, impossible d'aller plus loin.

29 Novembre 2022, 23:24
Profil Site Internet

Inscription: 30 Novembre 2022, 04:18
Messages: 1
Message Re: Tricholome tâcheté de roux ?
Best breast pumps of 2020

Pumping is no longer a new concept for modern parents. It is a great way to substitute feeding because it stores mothers’ natural breastmilk in a sanitary condition that preserves its great quality. In addition, it allows parents to have the freedom to do what they want, such as going to work, having a night out with friends, going to dinner and so much more. They can do all these things while resting assured that their little angels are well taken care of. Of course, pumping can only be partial substitutes, not complete replacements.

If you’re looking to get a breast pump for you and your loved ones, you’ve come to the right place! In this article, we will compile a list of the best rated breast pumps of 2020 for you to consult.

  • Medela Pump in Style Advanced
Medela has been a leading company in breast pumps for many years. Their products are not only modern and full of advanced features, but also comfortable and easy to use. However, if you are going to buy a Medela pump, expect it to be on the higher end. Think of it as an investment that will yield residual outcome over a long period of time. The Medela Pump in Style Advanced is a prime example of one of the best products by the company.

This is a double pump, meaning that there are two pump entries, allowing you to pump both breasts at the same time. If time is scarce for you, then getting this one is ideal. The special thing about modern, top rated breast pumps is that they are wired with a mechanism that mimics babies’ natural sucking pattern. This includes “stimulation” and “expressing”-- the two phases that work together harmoniously to get the milk flowing and maintain its consistent rhythm.


  • Spectra S2
Another notable brand for breast pumps is Spectra. Along their pump lines, the most popular models have been the S1, S9, and the S2. The reasons behind this popularity are plenty, but the most significant is noise level, suction power, sanitation, and weight.

If you’re someone that prefers quiet motors, the Spectra S2 is the one for you. The motor runs smoothly that lets off no or very little sound. This allows you to pump comfortably in a public space, because the low whir of baby pumps can make it awkward sometimes. Of course, mothering is a precious duty and if you have no trouble with loud pumps, don’t even bother. However, the S2 is also attractive for its powerful suction that efficiently collects milk in a reasonable amount of time. In addition, it is a closed-system model, meaning that there is a wall that separates the milk from getting in contact with the machine, making sure that no residual milk remains after pumping. It weighs just around 3 pounds that let you carry comfortably to work. Indeed, multiple top rated breast pumps reviews confirmed the amazing utility of this machine.

Nuk Expressive Single Electric Breast Pump


If you’re only going to be away from your baby a couple hours a week and looking for something simple and affordable, this one's for you. It is cheap, efficient, and super easy to use.

The fact that the Nuk is an electric pump means that it pumps faster and requires less manpower to fill the same amount of milk compared to a manual pump. It is lightweight, allowing you to carry around anywhere. And the best deal? Given its quality, this one is affordable. So there you have it, something fairly priced yet does not sacrifice quality.

Above are the best breast pumps of 2020. Make sure to share this article if you’ve found it helpful!

01 Décembre 2022, 03:55
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