Conocybe macrocephalaKühner ex Kühner & Watling (1980) |
Basidiomycota / Agaricomycetes / Agaricales / Bolbitiaceae
Conocybe tenera f. macrocephalaKühner (1935), Encyclopédie mycologique, 7, p. 73 (nom. inval.)
Conocybe macrocephala Kühner ex Kühner & Watling (1980), Notes from the royal botanic Garden, Edinburgh, 38(2), p. 335 (Basionyme)
Conocybe abruptibulbosa Watling (1980), Notes from the royal botanic Garden, Edinburgh, 38(2), p. 345
Conocybe herinkii Svrček (1996), Czech mycology, 48(4), p. 295
Sans intérêt
Eyssartier et Roux p. 658